Random Rambling Rants

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Houston, Texas, United States
I'm Laayla. I ramble. I rant. I question. I complain... and sometimes I happen to enlighten.

Monday, January 04, 2010


I wanted to explore the world, see everything all at once. Well, maybe not all at once, but at least see it to feel it. People are so small minded, they are so..content with just being there. Content with not moving, not wondering, not being curious. They are happy with just .... being there, as if "there" was something that they were always aiming for. Why would they not care to know more? To not wonder? To not think about what's out there? To see it? To feel it? To hear it? To touch it? To smell it? We are given our senses. God is giving. We are given common sense. We are told to give because we should also be generous. But we don't. We don't give. We get. We grab. We can't think about anyone, unless that anyone is us.. and in that case, that anyone becomes someone. We are special, yet the person we are looking at.. isn't. We are small. Too small. And the world looks too big to us, too big to comprehend. So we stay small minded. We stay in short circles. We are short minded. We become anger, because anger is powerful. Powerful and big. And we are so small, it overtakes us. It invades us. We are specs, tiny specs. It's not that we are made of flaws, but that we are flaws. We are small flaws though, and together..we become big. Unity makes us big. But at the end, we have just become a bigger flaw. A bigger small minded circle, in which the only question we ask is, "Why me?" Individualism will exist... always. But it's going to tear us down.