Random Rambling Rants

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Houston, Texas, United States
I'm Laayla. I ramble. I rant. I question. I complain... and sometimes I happen to enlighten.

Friday, November 07, 2014

Not Knowing

You know what's scary? Not knowing. This applies to anything you can imagine. Knowing is a comfort. It preserves. It serves. Preserves what? Our mind. Our trust. Serves what? Our soul. Our conscience. We are all alike in this manner. We enjoy knowing because it reconfirms the present and it relieves us of the consequences. How can ignorance be bliss? How can the darkness be enlightening when there is no light?

Then there's Murphy's Law: "Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong."

How the hell does anyone compete with that? Right? But in a way, it's possible to find serenity within those words. At least, you'd know that everything and anything is bound to go wrong. And with that, we prepare ourselves for the worst. We are scared, of course. Yet, in a way, preparing ourselves to experience the bad makes us feel like we can take it on. It's as if, it's okay that the bad will happen.. it's bound to happen... and all we can do is get ready for it.

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