Take Home Essay Questions - Set 1 Name:_Laayla
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Consider the reaction 7 of glycolysis:

2. A
ribosomal cell fraction was centrifuged on a sucrose density gradient and the
gradient was then separated into test tube fractions. Graph below shows the distribution of
polysomes in fraction tubes. 

5.0 Explain the graph.
The distribution of polysomes in
fraction tubes is represented by this graph. Polysomal content is measured in
absorbencies, which in this graph is the absorbance at 280nm. The graph shows
that the bottom of the tube, there is more content of the polysomes, therefore,
its absorbance at 280nm being higher. Therefore, on the top, after being
centrifuged, less content remains and therefore, the absorbency of the sucrose
density gradient has is lower than the bottom. In the middle though, as the
content is the highest, shows that during the centrifuge, the polysomes are
denser in the middle, meaning more concentrated and therefore, the absorbency
is the highest.
B. For 5 points, correctly answer only one of the questions below (use as much space as needed):
B. For 5 points, correctly answer only one of the questions below (use as much space as needed):

Something we can do to prove that this particular fraction contains
pancreatic cell Golgi vesicles is by first noticing that these vesicles look
intact like they should be. We should also realize that RERs exist in these
vesicles because the proteins synthesized and packaged in them usually travel
down to these vesicles for “further processing before reaching their final
destination” (VOP: Cell Tour Pt 1). In order to confirm that these are Golgi
vesicles, we can “destroy the membranes and then release these proteins” (VOP:
Cell Tour Pt 2). This disruption will show the packaged proteins such as
secretory or peroxisomal ones. We can also methods such as “cytochemistry
(staining parts with chemicals), immunocytochemistry (staining with “tagged”
antibodies), and autoradiology (radioactive detection)” (VOP Cell Tour Pt 2) which
will darken and reveal the packaged proteins just to confirm the earlier
statements about the existence of RERs packaged proteins in the Golgi vesicles
for processing.
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