Random Rambling Rants

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Houston, Texas, United States
I'm Laayla. I ramble. I rant. I question. I complain... and sometimes I happen to enlighten.

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Divorces as justifications.

Divorces. They are evil. Evil...evil things. They break up a marriage. No. They don't break up a marriage. They justify the break ups. Divorces make a bad marriage seem normal. You know what they truly break up? Unity. As soon as the term comes up, it's all division.... like it's a 4th grade math class. Children use the term to justify their bad habits. Divorce is justified through people, and it justifies the evil things people do in order to find "full contentment." There is no balance. Even if the other parent is still there, it's still not right. It feels out of place. It feels... so not normal. Divorce is seen as normal though. Splitting up. Giving it a time out. Things didn't work out. It wasn't meant to be. It ended up in the wrong path. It was too much to handle. It wasn't the right time. BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH. Reasons. Consequences. I don't care.

All I know is that the divorce rate in the U.S. is over 55%.... OVER... trust me... way over. That's terrible. And so people don't even bother getting married anymore. See what you did Mr. Divorce? You put fear in people. You threatened to enter and you made them step away and get cold feet...forever.

I hate you divorce. I hate you evil people who can't seem to work a marriage. I hate evil people... who put their so called loved ones in so much trouble that they have to resort to a divorce in order to save a family. But the family? It's ruined before divorce even enters. It's destroyed the second the evil one decides to ruin the family from his/her evil actions.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It due to people being so damn spoiled. They lose interest in the values they should truely being embracing. Sounds like another negative effect of living in the technological age we're in. You need to LEAVE America and find a place were true values are still an essential part of living, maybe the Yucatan.