Random Rambling Rants

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Houston, Texas, United States
I'm Laayla. I ramble. I rant. I question. I complain... and sometimes I happen to enlighten.

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Blaming for survival

No matter how distanced we may seem at the surface, we are intermingled on the inside. As we concentrate on every minuscule detail, we overlook the big picture. You and me, we're alike. We fear the same things in life. We dread the same consequences. We love the same comfort and we strive for the same success. Problem is, we're all quick to point fingers and blame each other for our own shortcomings. It just seems... easier. But see... while we are focusing on transferring all this hatred, all this disgust, and all this disappointment, we seem to ignore the fact that we have been just wasting time. It could take us half that time to improve ourselves and change our lives for the better. But we're in a hurry. We are too quick for our own good. We are hurt and we act fast to create a gap between the horrifying truth and ourselves. It's how we survive. It's wrong, yet it's right to us because that is how we see ourselves healing from our mistakes. Mistakes that we will not claim.

Sometimes it's okay to accept that things don't make sense. Sometimes it's alright to feel confused and lost. Sometimes there is nothing we can do and it is fine to presume whatever that has been done was inevitable to begin with. But let's hold on a second here.

These are two different situations. One situation is where we have done something we aren't proud of, something we wish we could either take back or improve on, something that we are not comfortable owning up to. The other situation is something that is clearly out of our hands. Fate. Uncontrollable.

You know what is so sickening though? How we love to blend the two situations above, as if we don't know any better. It's kind of that evil genius in us. How we can be so manipulative and try to confuse our own minds with what the absolute truth is. Is this survival? Is it really helpful? And if so, to who?

Monday, December 09, 2013

Life is what you make it.

Life is what you make it. I have said this for the longest time and truly do believe in it. I don't sit there with any expectations though. I'm not using the term to define myself as a pessimist, nor am I going to say I'm an optimist. What I mean is how you see life is definitely up to you, whether what it is in actuality might be as factual as it can be.

You live a life full of struggle. Every day is worse than the one before. The next meal is a mystery. The next minute is unpredictable. Your life is terrible. What can you make of it? Plenty. Are odds against you? Definitely. But is that what I am referring to? No.

Most likely you will suffer and will keep on suffering until you pass away and fold on the horrible hand you were dealt. But how is life what you make it? Those simple moments you did live, how did you see them? How did you feel about them? What made you different from the person next to you? Did you laugh some days or did you cry all the time? Did you sit there and think about the beauty in everything you saw or did you wish for it to rot? Did you go out there and hug the world and its warmth or did you isolate yourself in darkness, in the cold, waiting for the dark?

Every second we spend, the way we spend it, tells a lot about us. It's not about what we've been given to work with, and even what we will end up doing with it, but HOW we feel at those given moments and how we see ourselves and those around us.