Random Rambling Rants

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Houston, Texas, United States
I'm Laayla. I ramble. I rant. I question. I complain... and sometimes I happen to enlighten.

Sunday, October 24, 2010


p = m/v where m is mass and v is volume and p is density.
buoyant force = weight of fluid = mg = (pv) g where v is volume inside the fluid and p is the density of fluid

Fb is due to the water, drawn opposite direction of mg. Fb = p water multiplied with V block * g

10 = mg - (1000kg/mcubed) (1x10^-3 mcubed) * g

10 = mg- lg where g is 10

20 = mg so m ---> kg

scale reading = (mg-Fb)

p fluid = 2 kg / 2/3 X 10 ^ -3 m^3 = 3x10^3 kg/m^3

Chapter 16/17

A wave is a disturbance that propagates from one place to another. The easiest type of wave to visualize is a transverse wave, where the displacement of the medium is perpendicular to the direction of motion of the wave.

In a longitudinal wave, the displacement is along the direction of wave motion.

ANY traveling wave, wave speed is where v = wavelength / T

V = wavelength * frequency

frequency = 1/t (time)

The speed at which the wave moves depends on how quickly one particle of the string is accelerated upward in response to the net pulling force.

V = square root of (F divided by m/L)

Describing harmonic wave function: since the wave has the same pattern at x + wavelength, as it does at x, the wave must be of the form:

y(x) = A cos ((2pie/wavelength) * X)

ALSO, as the wave propagates in time the peak moves as, x = wavelength (t/T)

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Can we provide enough justification for our actions where we can convince the world that we have pure intentions. Pure good that is. Can we convince everyone that we are anti-evil?

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Water Crisis. When are we going to do something?

Water Crisis

No Clean Water!

Results from a recent study of current living conditions throughout Africa report that more than one billion people do not have enough clean water to provide for their basic human needs. As a result, more than 2,500 children are dying each day.

"When people are desperately thirsty," one official explained, "they are willing to take the risk of disease by consuming water that may not be healthy. For them - it's either risk infection or die from thirst! It is a horrible position to be in."

Unsafe drinking water can carry diseases such as malaria, trypanosomiasis, intestinal worm infections, dengue, and schistosomiasis - as well as bacteria that can lead to deadly diarrheal infections. "In some areas," the report continued, "the level of suffering and misery owing to the inadequacy of clean water is almost beyond comprehension judging by the number of pregnant women and children who suffer from deadly diarrheal diseases such as cholera and dysentery.

"These parasites and diseases feed on very young children and the elderly," explains Fr. Richard Roy. Fr. Roy is the director of the Missionaries of Africa's development office in Washington, DC. "They are the innocent and silent members of society... they have no one to be a voice for them."

"Entire villages and communities are being wiped out by diseases that are living in dirty water," Fr. Roy continued. "Children are dying in huge numbers! For many people, these numbers are so big that they cannot begin to comprehend them - they are statistics! But imagine your own child dying . . . and then imagine if it happened to every child in your neighborhood school! That's when we start to understand how horrible the crisis is! These poor people desperately need our help!" The Missionaries of Africa are currently accepting contributions that will be used to provide safe drinking water for men, women and children in Africa's neediest regions. All donations are tax-deductible.

Devastating drought is once again threatening the lives of African men, women and children. In the months ahead, as many as 14 million people will be at risk of starvation and malnutrition.

"Vegetation has decreased drastically," a study on the current conditions within the African continent recently stated. "The eastern side of the continent on the Horn of Africa is being affected more substantially than others. In this region, the rainy season occurs between February and June. Much less rain has fallen than normal this year, so their staple crops of corn and sorghum simply withered. Poor harvests over the past three years have worn away food surpluses and incomes in the region. As many as 14 million people may be at risk of malnutrition or starvation." The study stated that as much as 270,000 metric tons of food assistance will be needed immediately . . . but only 120,000 metric tons is currently available.

"Food shortages are particularly severe in eastern and southern Ethiopia," another report explained, "where deaths from starvation are being increasingly reported. Sudan and Uganda are also being affected."

"We are seeing an entire continent of people experience suffering like never before!" explains Fr. Richard Roy who served in Africa as a missionary for more than 20 years before being assigned to head the organization's development office in Washington, DC. "With a drought of this magnitude -- the land, the animals, the people -- everything is dying! If we don't reach out - we could see the end of entire villages, regions . . . even cities. An enormous amount of food, water and medicine is needed. I am praying that our benefactors will help us get supplies to our missionaries in the field . . . so that they can reach those who are on the verge of dying!

Source: Missionaries of Africa
Link: http://www.missionariesofafrica.org/challenges/water1.html

Thursday, September 02, 2010


Griming at the worst chance anyone gets, we need to come up with a plan. A century won't be enough. We need more time. Until then, we remain in the dark.

Sunday, August 29, 2010


We pinch ourselves until we know we are not dreaming. But what do we know? Maybe we have came out of a dream but are still in one. Maybe we were sleeping in our dream. Dreaming in our dream. Dreaming in our dream that we dream when we sleep. When we're awake, we still float. We float as if we were too busy trying to wake up. Trying to see if this world is a place we belong in. But the truth is, we already know. We know it isn't.

We act out of fear and we act out of boredom. What is better? You decide. As for me, I act out of confusion. I can't stand there and think forever so I act because I need to. It's not that I fear what will happen if I don't. But I get myself to do something... anything.. as long as it's happening. As long as I'm moving and things are coming up. News is being made. New updates. New effects. As things are progressing. Does it all have to be an improvement? I can only wish. Does it have to be an enhancement? I can only hope. But as long as it's all rotating... circling... being discovered.. being explored.. that's all that matters. The rest, I'll figure it out.

Sunday, August 22, 2010


Can you wish death upon yourself? Or is that wrong too? Is it completely wrong to be right? I sit here trying to build myself to the strength that I do not have. Am I wrong? Or is that right? Or am I right because it's wrong?

Sunday, August 15, 2010


It exists within me. It exists within us. It exists in every assurance, in every confident soul. It leads us to question who we are, who you are, what this world is, and why we're here. It paralyzes us to the extent that we become dependent on it. We become hateful towards anything that could confuse us more. And it's a never ending cycle. A never ending path of confusion that we avoid by taking one. Will it ever end? Well, how could it? Confusion gives birth to confusion. Confusion is grown into a disaster. A wrathful circle of misunderstandings. You're a victim of it. I'm a victim of it. It's a victim of it.

Thursday, August 05, 2010


Not a second of it goes by. Not a moment is gone. Not a breath is wasted. Not a sight is hidden. Everything is drenched in nothingness. I am not lost. I have seen the light and I remain in the brightness hoping that my words can give birth. I am dead but I hope to live.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Surround me with yourself

I need it. IT being you. You're not an it though. You're my fantasy. Can it be a fantasy? Can a fantasy be an it? Can I be a fantasy? Can I be yours tonight? Can I shower myself in you? Can I shower you with me? A fantasy?

Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Explain to me.

I must be not be embedded. I must be not placed in properly.. or squeezed in properly. I do not fit. I am an outcast and you made me this way. I am a square within a circle. My corners are out there, in the cold, in the dark, in the shadows. They are uncovered and there's no more of you to take over. To seize. And this must mean only one thing, part of me is lonely. No matter what you do, I will be lonely. I will be unhappy. I won't ever become you. Never completely that is. And am I happy about this? Perhaps... because I will always have those corners free and I will always have some sort of attachment to the lonely world out there. You won't be able to invade me to the full extent and as much as I may want it at times, I need to be thankful for it. Thankful that my corners can breathe and can stand on their own. I may be not satisfied because I may feel unfinished but at least, I'll be completely not fully dependent. You catch what I'm saying? Can you catch anything? You caught me, partially. Can you make sure you catch what I'm saying fully though? It's something important, unlike me. This is a lot bigger than you. A lot bigger than me. This is us.

Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Solving for X.

You're a force. A force of negative and positive vibes. Which vibe pierces my mind? Which one pierces my heart? An unknown answer. Factor X, but you can't factor X. Remember that. You can't factor an unknown. You can't divide it. You can't produce more of it. You can't be it. You can't do anything with it, until you find what it is. And that's what the problem is. I don't even know who you are. You're an unknown. You're my X. I can spend time and solve for you. I could live for you. I could live solving for you. I could do all that, but what about me? I'm the known. I get taken advantage of. I get pushed side to side. Left to right. Right to left. I get used to solve for you. It's all about you at the end. You get to steal the spotlight. You get to stay so still. You can't be disturbed. You can't be moved. You can't be explored, not until I can discover you. You're uncharted. You're hidden. Ironic because in your shadow, I'm the one hiding. It's the only way I can express myself. Being captivated under your breath. Being the hostage of your anger. Being the target for your hate. I'm out there. Everyone sees me. I get attacked. I'm known. Not X you see. I'm known and that's why I am judged. I am told just how useless I am. But you see. I don't find myself useless because without me, no one would be there to discover you. No one would be able to touch you. No one would come near you. You'd be impossible to crack. Impossible to be what you are because no one would even try. I'm your only hope. You need me to be you. You need me to be solved. Without me, you'd be factor X forever without having the ability to be factored out. You'd be an unsolved equation and not because you'd be too hard to figure out. But because you'd be IMPOSSIBLE. You wouldn't even exist as valid. I give you your fucking validity. Without me, you might as well not exist. So you see. The known is needed. The known is essential your existence as the unknown. Don't you forget it either because the second you do... you'd cease to be.

Sunday, January 24, 2010


I can't stand it. I won't stand it. If you involve yourself in hypocrisy, please un-involve me in your profile. I can't face those who indulge in something they can't escape from. It's something rooted down in their blood. They are made of it and I refuse to let myself become anything like them. They see nothing, but what they want to see. They don't let people tell them the truth, because they have their own. They may have their justifications, but what does that have to do with me? How can they justify the way they treat me? What did I do to be the victim of their hypocrisy? Their lies are invading their lives. My life. Everyone around them. They become what they despise and they are forcing me to become more like them. They are telling me. Commanding me. Demanding that I must do what they say because if I didn't, I'm a hypocrite. That I am what I despise. No. I will be what I despise if I become like YOU. That's the truth. You're hatred. And I want love.

So leave me alone. Let me be. Don't let me associate myself with you. I never wanted to either. I was doing you a favor. You are a hypocrite and I can't be with you. I can't let you take over. Not again. You did it often and I was too naive and I let it happen. But now I am my own individual. I get to choose. I did get to choose before but the decision wasn't mine. This time it will be. I promise you, not that my promises matter because your lies prevent you from trusting anyone. I don't trust you either though. You're ready to erupt, and you ask for sympathy. I can't give any. You've taken it all. Now leave me alone. I am not asking. I am telling you. Let me speak my mind. Let me say what I want to. Let me swim in the truth. Let me bake it so it can seep into my pores. I want to sweat the truth. I want to be covered in it. I want to be known for it. I want to be associated with the truth and that way I won't ever be associated with YOU. You've become your nightmare. You've become our nightmare. I'm sorry. I am. I wish it wasn't so, but it is and I can't stand you when you are this way.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Act 3

Act 3 was pretty interesting to read overall. I found many parts/conversations to be hilarious/interesting, so I'm briefly going to list and explain them.

This part wasn't "interesting" but was actually just weird. (Scene 2) This is when Touchstone and Corin were talking and Touchstone was being the witty guy that he is. I thought it was extremely weird yet funny when Touchstone says how Corin's committing a crime by forcing the ewes and rams to "copulate" with one another. Hahaha. I was like "what the..?!!" That was so random to me. Really.

I found this quote to be really interesting as well. It's line 104 in scene 2. It's when Touchstone says, "Truly, the tree yields bad fruit." I don't know why but I found it to be funny because Rosalind goes "fool I found them on the tree!" But to be honest, right after (starting at line 105).. I have no idea what the heck is being said. What's this talk about a medler and ripeness and death? Is she threatening to kill him before it's his time to die?

The most interesting part in Act 3 was when Rosalind and Celia were going back and forth towards the end of scene 2. Rosalind was insulting the quality of the poems and the next thing she knows, it's Orlando who wrote them. The way Celia was responding back to Rosalind's "love lines" was just hilarious to read. She's clearly jealous and finds it absurd that Rosalind is able to love someone so quickly. When Celia makes a comment like calling Orlando a "wounded knight" laying under the tree, Rosalind answers by saying, "it well becomes the ground." It's just crazy how Celia keeps trying to put Orlando down yet Rosalind is turning such insults into compliments. This reminds me of when we were discussing how Celia might be jealous of Orlando and someone suggested (I forgot who, sorry) that Rosalind might be talking on and on about Orlando just to kind of give Celia the hint that she isn't interested in her. I also found it funny when Orlando and Jaques were going back and forth with insults. I guess I just enjoy conversations where the characters are making witty and harsh comments towards one another.

I have a question about lines 276-278 at the very end of scene 2. What is exactly being said here???

Uhm let's see..what else. Oh yes.. I think it was quite funny when Touchstone made a witty comment about marriage (lines 72-75) in scene 3. I'm sure everyone notices these kind of jokes still going around in the society today. I guess it never gets old.
And one last part in (scene 5)... that I found to be very interesting was when Rosalind (as Ganymede) came out of no where and started making BRUTAL comments towards Phoebe. I couldn't believe what I was reading. She kept insulting her looks and telling her not to fall in love with "him." There's this common notion that in relationships, "good" girls/guys always go for the "assholes" Pardon my language. But it's so true!! We kind of see it in this scene. Silvius likes Phoebe, who clearly hates his guts. When Ganymede insults Phoebe and scorns her, she's offended yet she starts asking Silvius about him. She tells Silvius it's not because she likes him but I mean what the heck is up with her when she says, "Dead shepherd, now I find thy saw of might:
“Who ever loved that loved not at first sight?” - Is that supposed to mean something because she didn't follow up on that thought as Silvius interrupted her.

Okay, I've typed too much. BYE!

Utilitarian & Kantian Analysis

Laayla Muhammad

Ethics – Philo 241
Utilitarian & Kantian Analysis

The morally right action to take in everyday life experiences can be determined using various methods such as Utilitarian and Kantian analysis. Each of these methods help one arrive at a predicament in how to act accordingly to given situations. In this case, Tip and Top, both detectives, are dealing with a situation where they are thinking of acting a certain way but aren’t sure if it will provide the most utility at the end. They wish to get Zip, a dangerous criminal off the street; because they are convinced he is guilty. The only problem is that if they follow the legal rules they are to follow and provide Zip with a lawyer, they will not get a conviction out of him and therefore, will lose the case. Zip will be back on the street and will be selling drugs to children once again. Coercing a confession seems like a right decision, but also a wrong thing to do. Using Utilitarian and Kantian analysis, Tip and Top can arrive at a solution that produces the most utility.
The utilitarian analysis consists of one considering all the options one has and also acknowledging the consequences for all the choices. Each consequence helps determine the utility and the probability, which helps the person make the right decision at the end. Tip and Top’s options in this situation consists of summoning a lawyer and not coercing a confession, or not summoning a lawyer and coercing a confession. If Tip and Top decide to summon a lawyer, the consequences of that action will be either that Zip is back on the streets or that Zip is still found guilty. Not summoning up a lawyer will result in either locking up Zip in prison or getting caught if Zip does end up making a report about such harassment. Every consequence produces a certain amount of utility, but the main component lies in the probability of those consequences ever taking place. When summoning a lawyer, the utility of Zip being back on the streets is low while the probability of that happening is near certainty. In contrast, if Zip is still found guilty, the utility would be higher than high because they did the “right thing” and were able to get what they wanted, yet the probability of this consequence is lower than low. When not summoning a lawyer for Zip, the consequence of locking up Zip and the drug ring has high amount of utility and probability while Zip reporting them to another authority produces a low utility and has low probability. Therefore, according to the Utilitarianism analysis, the right thing to do would be to not summon up a lawyer and most likely, Zip will be locked up and the drug ring will finally end.
The Kantian Analysis helps one execute the right decision through the categorical imperative procedure, known as the CI procedure. It consists of certain steps that one needs to take in order to get to arrive at a solution. Tip and Top will need to create a maxim and fill out the form, “I am to do x in circumstances y in order to promote z.” In this case, they are to refuse the request to summon a lawyer and coerce a confession in circumstances that it will enable them to get a dangerous criminal off the street and break up a drug ring, in order to promote the goal of decreasing violence and drug abuse in society. Next step involves generalizing the maxim so that everyone is to do x in circumstances y in order to promote z. In this case, everyone is to refuse the request to summon a lawyer and coerce a confession in circumstances that it will enable them to get a dangerous criminal off the street and break up a drug ring, in order to promote the goal of decreasing violence and drug abuse in society. Third step states that the maxim should be transformed into a law of nature so everyone always does x in circumstances y in order to promote Z. Therefore, everyone should refuse the request to summon a lawyer and coerce a confession in circumstances that it will enable them to get a dangerous criminal off the street and break up a drug ring, in order to promote the goal of decreasing violence and drug abuse in society. The next step involves figuring out the perturbed social world in where one asks himself the question, “what would the world be like with the new law of nature?” In this step, the new law is common knowledge. In this case, if everyone knew that detectives would not summon a lawyer and instead would coerce a confession in circumstances that it will enable them to get a dangerous criminal off the street and break up a drug ring, in order to promote decreasing of violence and drug abuse, they would not even have lawyers to begin with and innocent people would be found guilty regardless of any evidence. One of the two main questions to ask afterwards is, “Could I rationally act on my maxim in the PSW?” This is where Tip and Top would consider that in the PSW, refusing to summon up a lawyer and coercing a confession in circumstances where it will enable them to get a criminal off the street and break up a drug ring will be effective in order to decrease violence and drug abuse in society. If effective, they should move on to the next consideration in which they should ask themselves, “Could I rationally choose to live in the PSW?” The answer to this would be “no” because Tip and Top would not choose to live in a world where they could be innocent and yet would be forced into confessing something they haven’t done without any legal help from their lawyer because if they did so, it would not be rational.

Wednesday, January 06, 2010


Sometimes it's more convenient to be suspicious. To play the blame game. Well, when isn't the blame game convenient? But there has to be a limit, right? I don't think it exists though. I don't think it ever will because people are going to push the line. They will keep pushing it until they can't anymore. That's when a thing becomes an alteration. One that can't stop changing. It's like time.

That's why this world, even with rules and guidelines and directions and instructions and methods and procedures and steps and such.... it will always be chaotic. Someone always thinks otherwise. Someone will always not agree. Someone will always raise his or her hand and disagree. And our problem is, we easily agree to disagree and let things be. We let this world become chaotic. We let it stretch like a rubber band until it breaks and people fall. They fall and foolishness that exists within them lets them think they are free. But the truth is, they've just been captured. They are captives. They have been kidnapped. Seized. Invaded. Taken over. Conquered. Caught. Trapped! By who? Themselves.

Monday, January 04, 2010


I wanted to explore the world, see everything all at once. Well, maybe not all at once, but at least see it to feel it. People are so small minded, they are so..content with just being there. Content with not moving, not wondering, not being curious. They are happy with just .... being there, as if "there" was something that they were always aiming for. Why would they not care to know more? To not wonder? To not think about what's out there? To see it? To feel it? To hear it? To touch it? To smell it? We are given our senses. God is giving. We are given common sense. We are told to give because we should also be generous. But we don't. We don't give. We get. We grab. We can't think about anyone, unless that anyone is us.. and in that case, that anyone becomes someone. We are special, yet the person we are looking at.. isn't. We are small. Too small. And the world looks too big to us, too big to comprehend. So we stay small minded. We stay in short circles. We are short minded. We become anger, because anger is powerful. Powerful and big. And we are so small, it overtakes us. It invades us. We are specs, tiny specs. It's not that we are made of flaws, but that we are flaws. We are small flaws though, and together..we become big. Unity makes us big. But at the end, we have just become a bigger flaw. A bigger small minded circle, in which the only question we ask is, "Why me?" Individualism will exist... always. But it's going to tear us down.

Friday, January 01, 2010

Mis mis mis mis mis!

It's another year. It's another opportunity for each one of you to misunderstand, misdiagnose and miscommunicate each other. We're composed of flaws, flaws that are triggered by mistakes we make. And then you have the balls to ask me why I'm such a Misanthropist?